Young Captain Award

Picks out the leaders of tomorrow

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The new generation of leaders is limbering up. At the top of large companies there are men and women who will soon be the new face of enterprising Holland. People who represent a promise. Who stand out from the rest through their daring, decisiveness and originality. Who think on an international scale. And who see leadership as a social, personal and economic responsibility.

More than 15 years the annual Young Captain Award makes these leaders visible. The Award offers them a stage and gives meaningfull contribution to further development of their ambition and leadershipstalent Participating offers a unique chance for personal development amongst others in the two-days knowledge and expertise program, the Young Captain Program. Furthermore jury interviews make candidates explore indept their intrinsic motivation, force them to push their limits and judge themselves critically on their own leadership. Is the next Young Captain Award waiting for you? Or for one of your employees? Meet some of the previous finalists and winners. See if you or your candidate has the right profile and read what participating in this extraodinary journey brings in terms of leadership accelerating-experience to the candidate as well as your company. Candidates can be nominated directly online.

Nominate now!

Winner Young Captain Award 2023

Winner Young Captain Award 2023

Finalists Young Captain Award 2023

Finalists Young Captain Award 2023

Fltr: Marc Josephus Jitta, Sarike van Wette, Outgoing Minister of Social Affairs & Employment and Employment and Anneka Treon.

Young Captain Award 2023


Watch the following videos and see why participating in the Young Captain Award is a gift for yourself.

The candidates for the Young Captain Award 2024

candidates 2020

Young Captain Award 15 years


Allen & Overy
Boston Consulting Group
Hill+Knowlton Strategies
Nyenrode Business Universiteit
Spencer Stuart

Network Partners

Dutch Transformation Forum

To the award Volgende

Read all about the award and the unique year-long programe.